Not so far from Romantics

“La conciencia del Yo como entidad autónoma y, frente a la universalidad de la razón dieciochesca, dotada de capacidades variables e individuales como la fantasía y el sentimiento.

La primacía del Genio creador de un Universo propio, el poeta como demiurgo.

Valoración de lo diferente frente a lo común lo que lleva una fuerte tendencia nacionalista.

El liberalismo frente al Despotismo Ilustrado.

La de la originalidad frente a la tradición clasicista y la adecuación a los cánones. Cada hombre debe mostrar lo que le hace único.

La de la creatividad frente a la imitación neoclásica.

La de la obra imperfecta, inacabada y abierta frente a la obra perfecta, concluida y cerrada.”


“Frente a la afirmación de lo racional, irrumpió la exaltación de lo instintivo y sentimental. «La belleza es verdad». También representó el deseo de libertad del individuo, de las pasiones y de los instintos que presenta el «yo», subjetivismo e imposición del sentimiento sobre la razón.”


So, we are not so different from the romantics. Maybe not in shape but in content there are too many similarities that seems to me very curious, at least. Nowadays the main worry of people is to find true love. They are in love with the perfect girl, and they want she to love them, in the same way they do. Not so far from Romantics. We look for freedom, we don’t like to be ruled by anyone, we want to be ourselves without anybody ordering us what we have to do. We like independence. The same as Romantics.

Creativity and originality are highly valued. Don’t want to repeat the same again and again.

To follow our instinct is something that we would like to do much more often. And of course, we like to differenciate each one as a completely different person from the other one next to you.

Living in a time, in a context, and however… dreaming with a utopic situation, an ideal world. Someone who wants a better world, and who thinks that it is possible. Maybe this person we are talking about has had distinct tags along time, such as “romantic”, “hippie”, or whatever, but the thing is that this type of person already exists, and there is not only one, I think we are a lot.

Despite the time, we all have the same aspirations as a lot of years ago had they. So, it is a reflection that we all should do, in order to realise that there is anything more important than life and love. There is no money that could buy happiness, and no power that could fill emptiness. Like “The Beatles” said: All you need is love.
